Nestled in a serene countryside, a family-run farm gate stall opens a world of flavors. From October to June, it's a seasonal delight, showcasing the juiciest raspberries and various other fruits in season. But it's not just fruit; it's nature's jewels.
This idyllic spot offers homemade ice cream, jams, lemon curd, chutney, and vinegar. They're not mere products; they're family traditions bottled up.
And as the seasons turn, this stall surprises with figs and passionfruit. Each visit promises new discoveries.
It's a self-serve paradise, though 'Pick Your Own' is not the way. Take a moment, sit down, and relish their divine ice cream while soaking in the tranquil view.
This place isn't just a stall; it's a journey. Let the world fade away as you embrace the peace and flavors. It's a memory you'll carry long after the season ends.