Three vibrant, 6-10-metre-tall gnomes, created by the acclaimed artists Amigo and Amigo, will adorn Brisbane’s riverfront, transforming the waterfront village into a destination full of holiday whimsy for all ages. With each gnome exuding its own playful personality, this festive display is perfect for exploring and capturing memorable photos.
Adding to the holiday excitement, Portside Wharf’s “Scan the Gnomes to Win” competition invites visitors to embark on a seasonal scavenger hunt across the precinct. Mini gnomes hidden within select retailers each feature a QR code, giving participants a chance to enter weekly prize draws totalling over $1,000. With prizes from local favourites like Byblos, Fosh, Temple Boba, and Urbbana, the hunt offers a fun way to discover hidden treasures and new shopping destinations at Portside Wharf.
For those looking to capture the holiday cheer, Portside Wharf’s selfie competition adds an extra layer of festive fun. Visitors are encouraged to snap their best photos with the jolly giants and share them on Facebook or Instagram using #PortsideGnomeMagic. At the end of the promotion, 10 lucky winners will share over $1,000 in prizes, including a $500 Sono dining voucher, a luxury blow-dry from Tigerlamb, and exclusive treats from favourites like Rise Bakery, Portside Social, Dumbo, and more.