Come along to Warner for a magical Movie in the Park featuring the beloved family film, The Wild Robot! Experience Roz’s incredible journey of adventure, kindness, and connection in the heart of nature.
Bring your favourite picnic rug or comfortable folding chairs and bask in the charm of an evening beneath the stars at Frank Nichols Reserve in Warner.
To secure the best view in front of the screen, set up early and take advantage of the time to grab your movie snacks before the show begins.
The Wild Robot is a heartwarming tale about Roz, a robot who finds herself stranded on a remote, uninhabited island after a shipwreck. Initially out of place in the wild, Roz learns to adapt to her environment by observing the animals around her.
Please note closed captions will feature on the screen during the film.
Movie in the Park Warner offers a perfect gathering for movie enthusiasts of all ages, presenting a special chance for the local community to unite and relish a complimentary movie amidst the natural surroundings.
Come prepared with your preferred snacks or treat yourself to a delicious bite to eat from the local food trucks.