The Pioneer is a bronze sculpture created by Tanya Bartlett and commissioned by Singleton District Artists in recognition of the pioneers who settled in the area of Singleton, NSW, in the early 1800s. The sculpture depicts Benjamin Singleton who was one of the first colonialists to trek north from the Hawkesbury to the Hunter region of NSW in the early 1800s. Singleton gained recognition for his exploratory efforts when he embarked on a journey northward from the Hawkesbury towards the Hunter region in the early 1820s. This trek was crucial as it contributed to early colonial expansion and settlement of the Hunter Valley area. By the late 1820s and early 1830s, Singleton became more involved in local governance and law enforcement. In 1829, he was appointed as a district constable, a role he held in the newly developing town of Patrick's Plains (later renamed Singleton in his honor).
The sculpture was unveiled 18th July 2014.