Embark on an epic school holiday adventure at Argonauts Day: Mini Monsters! An action-packed family festival transforming the Hellenic Museum into a playground of ancient-inspired activities, entertainment and tours.
Inspired by the Hellenic Museum's latest exhibition, 'Michael Zavros: Gods and Monsters', many of the exciting activities available at this year's festival will introduce young explorers to the many creatures and characters of Greek mythology.
Tickets are $30 per child (parents accompany free!) and provide young adventurers with unlimited access to the day's activities, including ceramic pot painting, shield decorating, mini olympics, archaeology digging, a labyrinth game, sarcophagus decoration, mummy wrapping, reptile experience, object handling, tours, gallery access and more!
Argonauts Day: Mini Monsters! will run from 11AM–3PM Sunday 19 January at the Hellenic Museum, Melbourne CBD.