Strange worlds unfold in Séance and Flight, two acclaimed multi-sensory experiences set inside custom-built shipping containers — and in complete darkness. Darkfield utilises its signature 360-degree audio, along with sensory effects and striking sets, to challenge your senses and leave you questioning reality.
Step inside, take a seat but don’t get comfortable.
Séance makes audiences question not just their beliefs, but also their own senses in a 20-minute immersive experience. A twist on a traditional séance relying on psychology and inclination towards superstition to alter your perception of reality. Do you believe…?
Flight is an unsettling exploration of the Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics, that proposes all possible outcomes that could occur are occurring in countless worlds of varying similarity. Maybe there is some comfort in knowing that however ill advised your choices have been - there is a version of you who made better ones and is suffering from less regret and embarrassment.
Two journeys, two worlds, two realities: There are many worlds in which this plane lands safely.
Perched in front of the spire on the Arts Centre Melbourne forecourt, audiences will be able to purchase drinks and snacks at the Protagonist before or after the show.